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How to create a DeFi Wallet On Zypto App
How to create a DeFi Wallet On Zypto App
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Written by Zypto
Updated over a week ago
  • Download the Zypto DeFi Wallet app:

Go to your app store and download the Zypto DeFi Wallet app.

  • Select Your Wallet Creation Method:

Choose : “Create Wallet “ as in the image below & Personalize your wallet with a name of your Choice

  • After personalizing the wallet with a name of your choice, you will be shown the mnemonic phrase for your new wallet.

  • We highly recommend writing down the mnemonic phrase and storing it in a safe place to prevent damage or loss.

  • Remember, anyone with access to your mnemonic phrase can access your entire wallet and all funds stored within it.

  • In the next step, you will be asked to confirm the mnemonic phrase.

  • Confirm the mnemonic phrase you noted down previously.

  • After confirmation, you will be greeted with the Terms of Service.

  • Agree to Terms and Privacy:

Read and accept Zypto's Terms of Service and Privacy Notice.

  • Set Passcode:

Create and confirm a secure passcode to protect your wallet.

  • Enable Biometric ID Verification:

Use your fingerprint or face recognition for added security.

  • Wallet Setup Complete!:

Your Zypto DeFi Wallet is now ready to use.

  • Customize Your Wallet:

Edit your wallet name or change your avatar on the 'Success' page.

  • Wallet name is limited to 20 characters.

  • Choose from default icons or set your NFT as an avatar later in Settings.

  • Back Up Your Recovery Phrase:

Your recovery phrase is essential for accessing your funds if you lose your device.

Ensure privacy when noting down your 12-word recovery phrase.

  • Skip this step if you imported an existing wallet.

  • Explore the Home Screen:

Use the home screen to send, receive, and buy crypto easily.

Complete your first transaction in seconds.

By following these steps, you'll have your Zypto DeFi Wallet set up and ready to securely store your digital assets!

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